Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cheese/Bouillon Cloth

Cheese or Bouillon Cloth
RM 510.00
Whole Malaysia

Brand: Bourgeat
Country Origin: France
Product ID : 13751 (017410)
Supplied in packs of 5
Size (mm): 870 X 700
*Subject to stocks availability.

What Is Cheeseclothe??
Cheesecloth is a specially designed fabric which was originally used in cheese production, hence the name. There are numerous other uses for cheesecloth, primarily culinary. It usually takes the form of a loosely woven cotton gauze, and is readily available from culinary supply stores as well as some sewing shops. In many cases, cheesecloth is also reusable, although it will break down eventually.
In cheesemaking, cheesecloth is often used to wrap cheese, as the small holes in the cloth allow the cheese to breathe. 
There are other culinary uses for cheesecloth. As a straining cloth, it can be used to clarify stocks and soups. A chunk of cheesecloth can be stretched over a clean pot to catch the broth, while the solids in the stock will be left behind. Cheesecloth is also used to strain and press yogurt for thick, Greek-style yogurt. Some cooks use it to make sachets of herbs and spices to be cooked with soups and stews. It may also be used to wrap meats while they cure.
Whatever the use, cheesecloth will not usually transfer flavor, since cotton is neutral. It will also not fall apart when wet and stretched, although over time, the edges may begin to fray. Cooks who wish to reuse cheesecloth can wash it in very hot water and soap, and hang it to dry. Cheesecloth may not always be reusable, especially if it has been simmered in a fatty soup in the form of a sachet, or used to make a very pungent cheese. Around the house, cheesecloth is also great for drying glass and covering fruits and vegetables to prevent insect infestations.

For further details or any purchases, please e-mail to: jqueen.shopping@gmail.com
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